The Word 2013 exam is a standalone certification from Microsoft with the exam code 77-418. This certification is targeted at professionals who have experience with previous versions of Microsoft Office Word and can also create business deliverables with Microsoft Office Word 2013. The exam covers creating, customizing, and organizing documents by using formatting and visual content that is appropriate for the information presented.
uCertify’s 77-418 course covers all objectives with the knowledge you need to pass the certification. It brings all available learning resources for a topic in one place so that the learner can efficiently learn without going to multiple places. Challenge questions are also embedded in the chapters so learners can attempt those while they are learning about that particular topic. Here’s what you get from the uCertify course:
- 93+ exercise questions
- 108+ quizzes
- 336+ flashcards
- 72+ glossary of terms
- 61+ videos
Take the benefit from our course and get certified!!